Google unveils service after death

Posted by Unknown  |  at  10:06 PM

Google unveiled "a new service that enables users to determine what happens to their account after a period of non-use.

 She explained, "Google" across the page the new service, that service "account manager is active," "as at the user to set a deadline to be considered account after inactive to be deleted or transfer data to a specific person, a service that may help in converting data sensitive electronic after the death of the user to a of his heirs.Can any owner of an account in Google services use the new service that allows some of the properties next to map out the "inactivity" which begins calculated from the last logon process has to account.Quoted "gate-Ahram" Egyptian Andreas Türk, director of production specialist in the company, as saying in comments to the Code: "A lot of us do not like to think about death, but plans what happens after you die is really important for those who ... behind you.""We hope that This new feature allows you to plan for your digital life after death in a way that protects the privacy and security of your accounts and make life easier for your loved ones after you leave."The service provides other features such as "Send an alert to" which sends an alert via e-mail or text message to the user's phone to alert him that his account a boat on the account is active, and there are property "data sharing" which allows adding contacts to convert the account data have after a deadline "inactivity".Any user can Google services that up to serve the "account manager is active" via their account settings page through the "Account Management".

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