Taxi space

Posted by Unknown  |  at  2:28 AM

American officials said that the Department of Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) agreed with each Mnscherkta Boeing and SpaceX to build a fleet of commercial

From (Taxi space) for the transfer of the astronauts to the International Space Station, ending a dependence on the American Russian spaceships.
Boeing won and has a long history in the aerospace industry and company SpaceX, based in California two contracts worth a total of $ 6.8 billion to develop and operate the new space capsules that can accommodate seven members.
Boeing and get under the agreement on the 4.2 billion dollars, while SpaceX to get 2.6 billion dollars.
Charles said Boldon administrator in NASA news conference in Cape Canaveral, Florida, "Today's announcement paves the way for what promises to be the most ambitious chapter and exciting in the history of NASA and human space flights."
He added, "for the first time in more than 40 years, this nation will launch a vehicle to transport humans to outside the orbit of the earth."
He continued, "We'll missions will each list of precedents first crew to visit an asteroid and take samples from the first crew to travel to outside the orbit of the moon and perhaps the first crew implants diet of private and eat in space. Each that bring us closer to the next hop in human history - the first crew to visit Mars and walking on its surface ".
The director of the company SpaceX Elon Musk, "SpaceX was honored confidence developed by the NASA. This is an important step in the journey in the end lead us to the stars and extend the presence of humans to several planets."
She Kithi Oders program director for NASA's commercial crew of astronauts that the contract required Boeing and SpaceX to be a commercial aviation service ready by the year 2017.
The conclusion of this contract has gained special importance in view of the escalating tensions between the United States and Russia because of Moscow's annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine and its support for separatists in eastern Ukraine.
A taxi commercial space, which will be launched from the United States to end the Russian monopoly to transport astronauts to the International Space Station. NASA paid 70 million dollars for a single individual trip on Russian spacecraft Soyuz It only means of transport available since the assignment of the American fleet of space shuttle to be retired in 2011.

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